The Rodent Blaster HS-1 Hot Shot Remote®
The Rodent Blaster Hot Shot Remote® system quickly eliminates your problem rodents and their tunnels. These guys eat, chew and destroy
our yards. The HS-1 Remote is very fast. 10 seconds of gas and you are done. It uses a precise mixture of propane and oxygen with a remote detonating device to exterminate
the pests and their underground homes quickly, safely and humanely without any dangerous
poisons or traps. It is safe for the environment and will not harm pets and wildlife unlike dangerous poisons
and traps. The cost to operate the Hot Shot HS-1 Remote is only pennies per blast. Full 3 Year Limited Warranty. The fastest and best
gopher and rodent control system available.
RB Hot HS-1 Shot Complete Kit Includes
- HS-1 Remote Ignition Detonator
with 17 Foot Remote Detonator Cord Handle
- HS-1 Blast Gas Injector
- (2) Victor Torch Control Valves
Flash Check Valves
- High Quality Oxygen Regulator
- Propane High Quality Regulator
- T-Grade Dual Fuel Gas Hose
25 Ft
- Safety Equipment
- Operators Manual
- Full 3 Year Limited Warranty
Part Number -RB-12275 - $2499
SALE $1999 Until Friday **
( **Pay No Sales Taxes Outside Of CA)
The Rodent Blaster HS-1 Remote is made of all metal construction. 304 stainless steel, 6061 billet aluminum and also
eel. Built tough for a dirty nasty environment for many years of trouble free use. No plastic here! 100% built and
assembled in the USA !
The Rodent Blaster HS1 Remote kills problem rodents that eat, chew
and destroy our yards. The Blaster Gas Injector injects propane and oxygen,
then the Remote Ignition Detonator ignites it with a remote detonating device
to exterminate the pests that live in underground tunnels and burrows quickly,
safely and humanely without any dangerous poisons or traps. The Rodent Blaster
HS1 Remote uses our specially designed remote detonating system to ignite
a propane and oxygen mixture from 20-35 feet away that delivers a 6000+
feet per second shock wave that instantly terminates your problem pest inside
of their burrow. You won't have any dead rodents to clean up after
using our Rodent Blaster HS1 Remote. It is safe for the environment and
will not harm pets and wildlife unlike dangerous poisons and traps and only
costs pennies per blast to operate!
Rodent Blaster gets rid of prairie dogs, gophers, voles, badgers, wood chucks, rats, ground squirrels, moles and all rodents that live in underground tunnels and burrows on your property.
We even have a Blaster Trailer that allows easy travel around the site. Easily hooks to your car, truck, golf cart or
RV. What if I already have welding regulators and welding hoses.Click Here